May 11, 2009
Partipating Organizations
This project is a joint venture between the National Science Foundation (Ridge 2000 and Margins) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Ocean Exploration and the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory). It is a community-wide effort that involves multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary discovery and hypothesis testing that meets the goals of each of these programs. A wide range of scientific disciplines are involved in this project including macro- and micro-biologists, rock chemists, water chemists, geophysicists, volcanologists, and oceanographers. Scientists working at many organizations will participate at sea and ashore. The scientists working at sea come from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, The Marine Biological Lab, Pennsylvania State University, Portland State University, Western Washington University, University of Washington, Oregon Sate University, the University of Hawaii, and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Scientists participating in a shore-based capacity are from Harvard University , University of California , Santa Cruz , University of Michigan , University of Tulsa , and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory.